How do we deal successfully with the polycrisis?

Problem definition:

In recent years since 2020, the resilience of companies has been put to the test by various challenges, some of which have even overlapped in terms of timing and causality: Corona-related production stops and lock-downs, global supply chain bottlenecks, associated price and inflation jumps, geopolitically induced energy supply problems, interest rate hikes, followed by slumps in demand, earnings and liquidity problems and significant inflation-related wage demands have put enormous strain on the economy.


Don’t think it’s all over now. Geopolitical risks to the economy will be the order of the day in the coming years. The dynamic and complex interplay between the information technology, political and economic networks of the world and ever-increasing efficiency requirements, which leave no room for buffers, is a cocktail that is capable of causing any kind of surprise. The supposed state of emergency is becoming the rule. The growing risks are already reflected in the more restrictive lending practices of commercial banks demanded by politicians. Governments want to avoid having to bail out banks again in the event of a crisis. This is already making it noticeably more difficult for companies to obtain financing.

At the same time, we are continuing to destroy our livelihoods. Comprehensible demands for ESG compliance and developments in artificial intelligence pose further challenges. However, many countries lack the political stringency that would guarantee reliable framework conditions for corporate investments. Governments thus contribute to the uncertainty and vulnerability of economic systems, thereby undermining the resilience of state systems themselves. We are in a systemic crisis.

Solution approach:

Implement a holistic strategic discourse in your company in which you involve all operational functions. Cultivate organizational vigilance and mindfulness in your company. Keep various scenarios under constant discussion and keep your business strategically and operationally flexible so that you can adapt quickly to changing conditions. Ensure redundancies and liquidity reserves, even if this costs income. Embed your business in its environment by maintaining good and fair cooperative relationships with your suppliers, service partners and customers. Seize opportunities! All in all, these recommendations will improve the viability of your company.


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