Sales-oriented company: for profitable growth

Why is sales orientation so important? Companies that are organized on a production-oriented basis are generally highly efficient in manufacturing. Often, large-scale production, for example in the automotive supply industry, promotes a focus on efficient production. Activities that go beyond production, especially marketing and sales, wither away. With cost accounting usually transparent, margins shrink, as

Compliance: Definition, laws and fulfilment

What is Compliance? “Compliance” is the term used to describe the adherence of companies to rules and regulations in business and legal terms. Compliance is the conformity of the behavior of companies with the requirements of laws, guidelines, shareholder requirements and the company’s own requirements.”Compliance” is the term used to describe the adherence of companies

Business development and sales activation

Why is it so difficult to reorient yourself? In some companies, margins are creeping away. When major customers load their product or component suppliers with large order volumes, they tend to gradually reduce procurement prices to a level that allows you to survive as a supplier but no longer develop. Particularly in the food and

Auditing: definition, process, content

Definition: What is auditing? Because the larger industrial and commercial enterprises that emerged in the course of industrialization from the beginning of the 18th century could no longer be managed by their owners, managing directors were hired locally. In addition, capital investors – shareholders in stock corporations – also took stakes in companies that did

PPS systems: What is important in business practice? 

Industrial companies with a multi-variant product portfolio and multi-stage, mechanical production, in which many process participants are involved, have to cope with complex production planning. In many companies, this production planning can no longer be done manually. Precisely tailored production planning and control systems, which are commercially available, can help. By using PPS systems, internal

Digital Technologies for Industrial Environments

Competitiveness is increasing in many sectors. In some environments, overcapacities are contributing to this, in others suppliers from low-wage countries. But many companies are also struggling with locations in low-wage countries, because they have to position themselves on changing global markets. Of course, there is classic potential for improvement in all companies, which can be

Reduce shipping and packaging costs

Optimising packaging and shipping costs offers interesting opportunities to reduce costs and increase profits in companies. If you want to effectively reduce your production costs, shipping and packaging is a good place to start. Optimising packaging costs Packaging is usually treated as a side issue in companies. Hardly any attention is focused on optimising packaging.

How to effectively reduce your stock levels

There is often potential in companies to reduce stock levels. The following are usually stored Goods are stored in order to have them available for subsequent production steps. Thus, stored goods have the function of a buffer in the overall process. If one reflects on this definition, ideas already arise as to which goods should

Optimise and automate manufacturing processes

Many production companies are familiar with the oscillations of output and order backlog known as the “pig cycle”. Gradually, production backlogs build up, leading to extended delivery times. These cause lower incoming orders, which cause the order backlog to melt away and eventually lead to under-utilisation of production. Now orders can be won again, which

Optimising personnel costs in production

Personnel play an important role in the production of companies. The efficiency of your production stands and falls with trained specialists. At the same time, personnel is also an immense cost item that you should regularly keep in mind and optimise accordingly. In this article, you will learn which options are available to you to


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