What is communication competence?: A small definition
Communication involves the exchange of information between individuals. This information can be observations, findings and facts, but also expectations or instructions.
Communication competence is the ability to communicate constructively, effectively and consciously.
The basis for communication competence is mastery of the language (especially vocabulary and grammar) in which communication is to take place. Furthermore, good communication competence includes being able to adapt to the respective situation and to the interlocutor(s) (level of education, culture) in a “recipient-oriented” way and to take role relationships into account appropriately. Furthermore, the ability to initiate and maintain a discourse is an essential aspect of communication competence. Finally, communication competence includes the result of communication, namely that the goals of communication are achieved.
Why communication competence is essential in companies
In companies, good communication creates cohesion at the interfaces between departments, functions and employees.
After all, if you deal fairly with employees, the subordinate relationship in the organisation hardly plays a role in how conversations are conducted.
How the right communication skills help to resolve conflicts
Communication competence is a key prerequisite for conflict avoidance and conflict resolution. Basically, what applies to employee interviews also applies to discussions with business partners. The first prerequisite for successful communication is that all communication partners must recognise and comply with (unwritten) rules for communication. This requires social competence. Especially in conflict situations, emotions are often involved. Through training and practice, it can be achieved to a certain extent to control emotions and to conduct conversations in a factual manner. Effective communicative techniques for conflict resolution can also be learned and applied.
Communication competence can defuse tensions and eliminate friction in companies. Communication competence makes companies more efficient and stable.
Kommunikationskompetenz für Führungskräfte
Gerade für Führungskräfte in Unternehmen ist es wichtig, gut zu kommunizieren. Führung ist gleichzusetzen mit der Beeinflussung des Verhaltens und der Handlungen anvertrauter Mitarbeiter. Deshalb ist es für die Wirksamkeit von Führungskräften entscheidend, wie effektiv sie kommunizieren. Kommunikation ist nicht als “Sendefunktion” zu verengen. Auch gutes Zuhören ist für Führungskräfte wichtig, weil sie daraus wesentliche Informationen beziehen, Situationen besser einschätzen und bessere Entscheidungen treffen können.
Kommunikationskompetenz lernen: Trainings, Seminare und weitere Möglichkeiten
In Kommunikations-Trainings können das Bewusstsein für präventive Maßnahmen und Konfliktlösungsmethodik geschärft und Kommunikationstechniken trainiert werden. Außerdem können in Seminaren wertvolle Techniken zur Impuls- und Selbstkontrolle erworben und ein deeskalierender Umgang mit Aggression geübt werden.